Fertility, Pregnancy Loss and Menopause Wellbeing in the Workplace
Infertility is a disease that affects approximately 1 in 7 of all couples, and pregnancy loss occurs in 1:3 individuals. the majority of whom are very likely to be in employment. In 2019 there were over 4.3 million women in the workplace aged 45-60. A significant amount of these women are working during their menopause transition. Research shows us that there is a reluctance for employees to disclose they are struggling with infertility, pregnancy loss and the menopause. Resulting in employees suffering in silence.
Tragically, of those individuals struggling with infertility or who have suffered pregnancy loss who did confide in a line manager, only 42% received support from their employer. This challenged their ability to function productively at work and 19% of people reported reducing their working hours or leaving their jobs completely due to the pressures of managing fertility and pregnancy loss in the workplace.
When it comes to the menopause, 90% of women say that their employer does not offer any menopause support, 40% of women report losing interest in their work during the menopause, 11% of women decided not to apply for promotion and 8% of women left their jobs.
Infertility, pregnancy loss and menopause present an operational challenge to employers along with a significant financial impact.
In 2021, to attract and foster talent, as well as avoid potential discrimination, some organisations have published policies addressing fertility, pregnancy loss and menopause in the workplace. However, a policy is meaningless without an organisational culture that is supportive and understanding of the unique health and emotional challenges faced by their employees. By investing in fertility, pregnancy loss and menopause as part of the wellbeing agenda, organisations are ensuring that they are best equipped to support the wellbeing of their staff, attract and retain their talent and avoid potential discrimination.
How we can help support your organisation:
- Educational webinars
- Line manager training
- Fertility and menopause consultation or coaching for your employees
- Assistance in policy development
- Fertility and menopause in-house events
- Bespoke service to support your organisational needs
Fertility Industry Consultancy
We are passionate about helping brands, companies and healthcare environments to achieve fertility excellence. We offer consultancy within the fertility industry. We are currently working with top organisations advising on all aspects such as current challenges, patient pathways, training, webinars, content creation and best practice to name but a few.
Here are some of the ways we can add value to your brand, company or healthcare environment:
- Utilise 25 years of ferility knowledge and expertise to create customer/patient educational resources
- Advising on best practice and customer/patient need
- Consulting and advising your customers/patients to enhave their user experience
- Designing solutions and processes
- Supporting your organisation to deliver your key objectives
- Educating your staff on the key fertility challenges
- Understanding and being a voice for the fertility community
- Content creation and opportunities with The Fertility Podcast
- Provide an independent insight into the future of the fertility landscape
- Connecting you with leading fertility experts and influencers
To find out more about our corporate work and how we can help your organisation, email kate@yourfertilityjourney.com